Our top 5 digital marketing tips you can implement right now

Our top 5 digital marketing tips you can implement right now

Digital marketing is constantly evolving and it can be hard to know which changes are worth implementing, and which are blips that won’t make a real impact to your efforts. 

If there’s one group that knows what’s up, it’s our resident strategy team. After all, their days are spent helping all of our clients get the best results across all marketing platforms including paid and organic socials and content marketing. 

So, we asked the experts themselves what they will be doing to optimise their client’s campaigns for the rest of the year – here are their five tips for success. 

1. Evaluate the user journey

For our strategist Mariam, she believes that marketing attribution can be an often-overlooked source of information. Attribution involves looking at the touchpoints the person engaged with before reaching the targeted goal. Mariam says that different attribution models may undervalue earlier stages in the buyer journey. While first-click and last-click often receive the majority of attention, it is important to understand the entire journey. 

Mariam said it was worth remembering there’s more to the story than the buyer taking the desired action. Ensuring personalisation across the buyer journey helps remove any roadblocks for the end CTA. She points out that sharing the same content across all social media channels, for example, leads to buyers feeling like they’re just a number instead of a nurtured customer. Spending time on content creation will pay off. 

2. Think mobile-first

As our strategist Gabby pointed out, you want to meet people where they are playing – namely, the increasing number of people who are on their phones and using wearable devices like smart watches. This means optimising your content – regardless of whether an EDM or a social post – to work across a variety of screen sizes. And don’t forget to check your page loading times across different devices, too. However, churning out content ‘because you should’ is not a strategy Gabby recommends. She says content needs to solve a specific problem and not focus on the brand as much as the solution.


3. A workaround for Facebook restrictions

Targeting has become a more difficult art form since data tightening on Meta platforms including Facebook came into effect. To get around this, strategist Sam suggests targeting broader audiences for brand awareness. Use Facebook’s capabilities and machine learning to serve ads to viewers most likely to resonate with your content, rather than just delivering to audiences who match your interest targeting. 

An added bonus: this strategy will reduce your CPA on Facebook. Now surely that’s worth trying out! 

4. Pinterest: the oft-forgotten channel

While every business fights it out for likes, comments and shares on Meta’s platforms and other major players such as Tiktok, you can carve out a niche on Pinterest. No longer just for recipes and holiday inspo, Pinterest is a bona fide platform for businesses across a multitude of industries. 

Pinterest receives 945 million visits a month, and unlike socials where your content can have a super short shelf-life, pins can have a lifespan of up to 12 months. 

Sam says this channel presents a great opportunity to reach new audiences, with 46% of weekly users having discovered a new brand or product on Pinterest. She suggests using it for growing reach and building brand awareness. 

5. Invest for the best result

You’ve planned out your content calendar, your online strategy is solid, the budget is healthy, your content writer has hit the right notes and the designer has crafted some amazing graphics. You hit upload and… nothing. 

Instead of just releasing into the wild and hoping for the best, Gabby advises that you spend plenty of time and money in promoting that piece of content. In fact, she says content creation should take up just 25% of the total effort, with the remainder of resources used to promote the content to ensure it leads to conversions. 

Need helping implementing new strategies, or after fresh ideas for your marketing? Speak to us! We can work with you to find the best ways of solving your digital marketing needs. 

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