Sonic Branding

Sonic Branding

Create a distinctive brand asset and get a competitive edge with our sonic branding service.

A 2023 study by Dentsu found that 41% of audio ads generated positive brand recall compared to 38% for video ads.

Why is sonic branding so important? 

  • Sonic branding taps into both active and passive listening phases. It’s easier for audiences to zone out of visual cues, but sound can stay on in the background and may drive action and emotion without audiences even realising that it’s happening. 
  • Sonic branding is highly effective for brand recall. A 2022 TikTok study found that 68% of users say they remember a brand better if they use a song on the platform that they know and like, and 62% say they’re more curious to learn about the brand.
  • You can create consistency across all of your customer touchpoints. Whether a customer interacts with your brand via a video commercial, on a radio ad, or hears a noise while browsing your website or brick-and-mortar store, your sonic identity remains consistent and recognisable.
  • Foster a deeper emotional connection with your audience through music and sounds. 

How will we work together?

Like all of our marketing, our approach is deeply collaborative. We will first take the time to understand your brand values, target audience, and the actions you would like that audience to take. From there we will map out a campaign story or work with an existing one to ensure that it hits the mark in terms of marketing objectives, and explore opportunities to elevate messaging and visuals with complementary audio.

From there, our team of experienced audio engineers, producers and branding specialists will collaborate and present you with some sonic branding options that are unique to your brand and audience. We will always ensure that any sonic branding integrates seamlessly with your marketing strategy and makes sense across all the customer touchpoints you need it for. And as your brand evolves, we will provide the ongoing support to adapt those audio elements so that they remain pitch perfect.

It’s important to be seen and heard.

Sonic branding is an essential tool in today’s marketing landscape. It’s about creating audio cues that ensure your brand is remembered, resonates with your audience and cuts through. Ready to make your brand sound as good as it looks? Get in touch with our team today! 

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