How To Choose Keywords For SEO.

When you’re choosing keywords to focus on for your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), it’s important to do your research. This can be time-consuming. If you’re relying on external help with this, here are some things to focus on:

– Ranking on search engines for the RIGHT keywords for your business, determines the quality of visitors to your website. Quality vs quantity.
– Sometimes, the keywords you use to refer to your products or services are not the same as what your customers use. Research is crucial.
– Make sure each keyword is very relevant to your business and relevant to the content on your website.
– Search for your keywords in Google. This will give you an indication of your competition, and if you are aiming to compete in the correct space.
– Focus on the keywords you want your business to be ‘known for; now and in the long term. It’s not a good practice to change your SEO keywords frequently, so choose keywords that you will be using for several months (at a minimum).
– Don’t underestimate long-tail keywords. Although these longer 3-4 word phrases might have a lower search volume, these searches are usually very specific. These people are further along in their buying cycle, so will be more likely to convert into real customers, faster.
– Your agency or external help should have access to keyword research tools, so ask for as much research as possible.

We know that SEO is a long term website optimisation strategy, but it cannot be overlooked. If your SEO is non-existent or you’re not getting the results you want, it might be time to reconsider your SEO provider or approach.

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