Finding a brand name for your business can be simpler than you think. Too often, people go around in circles trying to come up with intricate names, then have too many people involved that it confuses the situation.

When trying to come up with a brand name for your new venture, keep it simple with these steps:

  1. Write down all the products and services you will provide
  2. Write down a list of words that relate to your business, your offering and your brand
  3. Ask a close circle of family and friends for input
  4. Formulate some ideas from these words
  5. Decide on a name!


Things to consider when selecting your final brand name:

  1. Ensure there is a domain name available for your desired name
  2. Don’t let it sound like a copycat of another well-known brand name
  3. Make sure it is easy to pronounce, spell and remember
  4. Remember that you don’t always have to play it too safe!

Your brand name can reinforce the value you provide. Make it clever, memorable and original. With one chance to make a great first impression, the right name will spark interest in your business. A poor name will keep people away!

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